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the travails (and tall tales) of el Craplastico

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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

April 25, 2010

How did I forget...

...Recyclops!?! I meant to post him for Earth Day and if I couldn't remember to do that this year how would I ever be able to remember to post it next year? No time like the present. Happy belated Earth Day (with meditations and green heroes for all!)

Oscar: Not again.

Dwight: Bow down before Recyclops!

Jim: Five years ago, corporate said we had to start a recycling program for Earth Day, so Dwight took the lead on that and introduced us to a very close friend of his named Recyclops.

Dwight: Happy Earth Day everyone. I'm Recyclops. Did you know an old milk carton can be sawed in half and used as a planter?

Jim: The next year he stepped things up.

Dwight: Who has put a number seven plastic in a number four bin?

Jim: A year after that, Recyclops really began to take shape.

Dwight: Recyclops will drown you in your over-watered lawns.

Jim: Then tragedy struck Recyclops when his fictional planet was attacked by some other fictitious thing. I can't remember.

Dwight: Recyclops will have his revenge.

Jim: I think this was also the year that he renounced Earth Day and vowed to destroy the planet he once loved.

Pam: Omigod, you guys look, it's Recyclops!

Recyclops: Recyclops destroys!

Stanley: Oh is today Recyclops Day?

Recyclops: Yes!

Stanley: I thought you were killed by Polluticorn or something.

Recyclops: Polluticorn wishes!

Andy: That's aerosol spray. that's terrible for the environment!

Recyclops: Humans are terrible for the environment!

Pam: The thing I like most about Recyclops is that he is creating a different world for our child. A world where you can truly be anything you want.

Jim: God bless you, Recyclops, and your cold robot heart.

April 22, 2010

Earth Day Meditation

Upon much reflection I think I understand the single way to solve the dilemena of 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch' within the North Pacific Gyre. (Aren't I so simple and brilliant at the same freakin' time....where's my Nobel already?)

Being in international waters, the plastic waste zone is nobody's responsibility...or everybody's responsibility if you will. The point is that no one would be really willing to address a solution to the catastrophe unless there was some financial gain/motivation. Altruism won't be enough as the cost of this 'clean-up' will be astronomical.

So the idea is to re-purpose the nurdles! There must be some fantastic way to use these refined plastic pellets which exist in super abundance. If we lock on to an idea that makes the mining and hauling of this waste lucrative, that dead zone will disappear in no time at all and will stand as the greatest habitat restoration project in the history of our animal.

How bout that?

What...you want me to think of what to do with the nurdles?!? I have to think fantastically?!? Hmmmmmm, more meditating i guess.

April 21, 2010

how 'bout no words?

tacky, yes. But for anyone who has spent time at 'topo' this graphic/disc will be savored

April 18, 2010


"You do your own thing in your own time. You should be proud.”

April 15, 2010

Doing Their Part

Santa Cruz city leaders think they've found a way to come up with more money to help the homeless and take a bite out of panhandling: parking meters. Instead of being harassed by people looking for spare change. Those who want to help the needy will soon be able to do so by tossing change into what's being called a "homeless meter."

In the past, city leaders have passed restrictions against aggressive panhandling now a new tool is being introduced, it's a panhandling alternative -- feed a meter; help the homeless -- and it's called Imagine Positive Change. Visitors can feed their loose change into meters instead of giving it to panhandlers. The meter money will then be turned over to programs that will assist homeless.

"Instead of giving your spare change to someone who may be just using it to buy some booze or drugs you can know that your money is going to go to somebody who really needs it and will be used in an appropriate way," said Santa Cruz Vice Mayor Ryan Coonerty. The money collected will be used for bus fare, state IDs and other services to help the homeless.

"Hopefully we'll reduce the panhandling downtown as well as help people one-by-one get into better living situations for themselves," said Chip, with the Downtown Business Association.

The council set some parameters, including that there could be no more than eight meters. Also, panhandling will be prohibited within 14 feet of the meters because they will be considered public art, which city ordinance protects with a 14-feet rule.

Really? Seriously!?! This seems to me to be a terrible idea. If the intent is to incite riot and protest this is a sure fire way to achieve that goal.


April 11, 2010

stanley fever

stanley mania

No ?

12th episode, season 6, episode #112....the best Office moment hands down: Stanley Hudson finds out that Michael will tell a class of graduating seniors he will be unable to pay for their college tuition as he had promised 10 years prior. Absolutely classic!

April 10, 2010

staycationing then

It's over...and I went back. Nothing was sold. I gave up being king of where the leisure-things are and although this proves some sort of remarkable self-control...I really didn't have much choice in the matter. I can't waste the rest of my life hucking frisbees at strange, chainy deercatcher-like steel contraptions or enjoying cheap american beers at the beach. Nope. All that behavior is just for the SPECIAL times and now it's back to work! My retirement is over.

While appreciating the quadripods and sea birds I was supposed to be gearing up for the paperwork flurry about to strike my classroom. In springtime, among my other responsibilities, I am paid to write/reflect upon each of the little spirits growth and development over the course of their time at school. For all 18 of 'em we prepare a developmental assessment report and a portfolio of their work (play.) I believe these two windows into learning serve a greater purpose than any report card or GPA ever could (give 'em all 4.7's!) It's more like a time capsule to be savored far into their future....a glimpse into who they were when they were 5. I wish each of my teachers went to such great lengths to document my learning process. I would have something more than memories and faded stories.

Needless to say, in my leisurely sloth I failed to prepare for this task to the degree that I had hoped. In fact, I did nothing to prepare and soon the paperwork tsunami will strike hard.

I'm playing mad catch up already...my spring break staycation is gone with the tides.

April 09, 2010

900 28t Quadripods

April 08, 2010

staycationing now

Life is just too good this week...even I'm disgusted with me! Living the life of a retired person. I do whatever I want, whenever I want to. Being the creature of habit, that has meant a steady diet of disc golf, beach sessions (IX,X,XI), and indulging in cold adult beverage. I think I floated to bed last night. In the morning moments I have laced up the sneakers (you heard me right) and hit the gym, but that is the closest thing to commitment I've approached in recent times. I've taken leisure to level ridiculous!

The trouble is, of course, I'm getting used to it. How will I EVER be able to do anything BUT spring break? Job, responsibility, showering, paying attention, forget it...SELL THE HOUSE SELL THE CAR SELL THE KIDS FIND SOMEONE ELSE FORGET IT I'M NEVER COMING BACK

FORGET IT....I better just get on with it


Am I wrong or is the Ipad nothing more than an Iphone for the visually impaired?

April 05, 2010

Not just a great scrabble root

The procrastination was joyous but everything must come to pass and today it did. The responsibility of filing the taxes was one I just wasn't looking forward to this time around. Last year was my lowest overpayment in my financial history ($17) and this year I feared the worse...I thought I owed!

I'm not gonna get all tea party here but look at it, I think I pay enough f-ing tax year round (even to CASDI...$397, what the hell is that all about?!?) Not only that, but I see all the bullshit credits people get and I wonder where's my piece of the fake deduction pie? For instance, I didn't get a hybrid vehicle or install solar panels to my apartment but where's my credit for riding my bike everywhere in 2009?

If you're a single guy with no kids, no property and pay your way in life there's just not a lot the government can fake credit you for.

That's neither here nor there (what does this expression even mean?) I just don't think I morally owe any additional war bills.

The digital calculations were rapid fire. TaxACT remembered everything about me from last year and started from there and in an hours time my digits were not only filed, but accepted. The numbers were real close but in the end a $36 refund from the feds paid a $35 debt to the state and I finished in the black. This year I made a dollar back...well, that's simply untrue. The genius software that saved me countless hours cost $13.95 so really I paid up.

I feel good though....it's over.

I remember how arduous taxes used to be and I'm enamored with how simple it all is in this remarkable digital age (thank you Al Gore.) I think it could be easier though. I think the IRS should just do our taxes for us. After all, the reportables could all be sent to them directly. They could shuffle and crunch the paperless transactions on their own and then tell us how our life changed since last year. They could even make up fake deductions if appropriate. (I NEVER do that by the way...people who cheat on their taxes should go straight to hell!) (Or to Cheaterland!)

How come K-12 teachers can claim classroom expenses and I can't?

Ah, who's kidding who, the IRS would just screw everything up. It would be like the census (If you know to send me one you know who and where I am already. I haven't received a census form yet and I'm probably gonna skip it. Going unaccounted sounds so romantic and impossible in 2010.)

Of course today could really be the beginning of my financial undoing. I prepared and filed over the very public waves of the coffeehouse and I'm certain there is a nerdy genius scumbag collecting every digital fact about me. I'm almost certain I've bought three properties, died, been reborn, and fathered a tribe of welfare babies in the hour since I've filed.

I've already spent the dollar on coffee.

April 03, 2010

I heart 9000

Turbo turned me on to this culture jammer whom he first heard about in Wired last month. This guy (I think he's a guy) is living my propaganda dream. His work is....... Don't listen to me, go find out yourself.


I've never wanted to go to Bogota until now.

April 02, 2010

Great for their Self Esteem!

I've heard two references in the past week to the existance of a 4.7 grade point average. Is this some kind of 'Generation Z' nonsense or is it more like having a QB rating of 158.3?

Back in my day it was a 4.0 GPA kiddo and I got nowhere even close to it!