staycationing then

While appreciating the quadripods and sea birds I was supposed to be gearing up for the paperwork flurry about to strike my classroom. In springtime, among my other responsibilities, I am paid to write/reflect upon each of the little spirits growth and development over the course of their time at school. For all 18 of 'em we prepare a developmental assessment report and a portfolio of their work (play.) I believe these two windows into learning serve a greater purpose than any report card or GPA ever could (give 'em all 4.7's!) It's more like a time capsule to be savored far into their future....a glimpse into who they were when they were 5. I wish each of my teachers went to such great lengths to document my learning process. I would have something more than memories and faded stories.
Needless to say, in my leisurely sloth I failed to prepare for this task to the degree that I had hoped. In fact, I did nothing to prepare and soon the paperwork tsunami will strike hard.
I'm playing mad catch up spring break staycation is gone with the tides.
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