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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

April 10, 2010

staycationing then

It's over...and I went back. Nothing was sold. I gave up being king of where the leisure-things are and although this proves some sort of remarkable self-control...I really didn't have much choice in the matter. I can't waste the rest of my life hucking frisbees at strange, chainy deercatcher-like steel contraptions or enjoying cheap american beers at the beach. Nope. All that behavior is just for the SPECIAL times and now it's back to work! My retirement is over.

While appreciating the quadripods and sea birds I was supposed to be gearing up for the paperwork flurry about to strike my classroom. In springtime, among my other responsibilities, I am paid to write/reflect upon each of the little spirits growth and development over the course of their time at school. For all 18 of 'em we prepare a developmental assessment report and a portfolio of their work (play.) I believe these two windows into learning serve a greater purpose than any report card or GPA ever could (give 'em all 4.7's!) It's more like a time capsule to be savored far into their future....a glimpse into who they were when they were 5. I wish each of my teachers went to such great lengths to document my learning process. I would have something more than memories and faded stories.

Needless to say, in my leisurely sloth I failed to prepare for this task to the degree that I had hoped. In fact, I did nothing to prepare and soon the paperwork tsunami will strike hard.

I'm playing mad catch up already...my spring break staycation is gone with the tides.


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