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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

March 18, 2010


Oh come on! It's not that bad....but yes, I'm suspended from aerobic activity until my heels heal. On saturday night I enjoyed my time at Monica's 80's rollerjam in celebration of her 28th birthday. It was a blast! Goose from Top Gun was there, Macho Man Randy Savage was there. I was hoping B.A. Baracus would show but he don't fly or skate apparently.

I was told I was a ringer for the karate kid (bwhahah) but for two and a quarter hours I looked more Anton Ohnoish. I was like a speeded-out retro inline crack monkey flying on cheap ($8) blades and the only thing I could stop for was to jam more sugar/pizza down my throat. Must of spun 500 laps. Short track glory, now I know how you feel!!

I knew I was getting blisters but somehow it was worse than that. What I really have is shredded heel. I've spent about $60 so far on ointments, bandages, and mickey mouse looking crocs but I have yet to get good scabs so I am hereby suspended from active life until further notice. No kick boe, softball, disc, bike riding, boxing circuits, cross training exercises...no nuthin'!!! Well exceptions for pilates, weights and work. blarg.

It's funny how life has a natural way of slowing me down when I just get way too fast. I had it coming.

Killer soundtrack btw!


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