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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

March 01, 2010

Olympic Leftovers (yum)

Ah, the hangover! The 21st winter games have ended. Somebody mix me something strong and snappy. How thoroughly I enjoyed the show in Vancouver! All the haters out there fixated on the glitches and what went wrong should just keep hating because that's what they do best. Loud applause for Canada and the olympic spirit. Great show, job well done!!!

Here are some leftover thoughts I didn't get to. Please reheat and serve with a smile:

Was on the sand of Seabright the other day. It was my 4th beach day of the year (I'm curious so I'm keeping track in '10) I found myself mezmorized by an ant as it tried to scale the impossible canyon walls of a footprint I had laid in the sand. This exercise of perseverance was completely stunning! I witnessed it failing the assent at least 30 times. Failure did not compel the ant to alter it's route during the first 25 or so tries. Wind and gravity constantly and consistently impeded success. That ant was hell bent on getting to where it was going though...I was tempted to help it up (silly human) but no, and I'm glad I didn't cause that ant finally shifted it's route and after a few more noble attempts, made it....and kept trucking across the winter sand.

I realized thereafter that the olympics help me appreciate effort in magnificent ways. Watching conditioned athletes at the apex of their disciplines is absolutely awe inspiring and affects my lens profoundly. Effort is completely beautiful to witness from any and all creatures. Life is an unfolding miracle!

San Fran lost it's bid to host 2016 this past summer (I bet it was the logo!) I had mixed feelings about the possibility of the show coming to the bay area. Infastructure is already a sketchy scene here but probably just as sketchy as anywhere else. The Bay Bridge may actually be a human pyramid by 2016! It was gonna be a tall order if we won the bid...would have been fun though.

I realized, this past weekend, an opportunity that would have presented itself had the 2016 games landed here. Quickly the bay area is growing it's share of world class disc golf courses (by 2016 who even knows!) The summer olympics often host demonstration sports...you see where I'm going here? Oh, BAM! It would have been freakin' perfect!!! I can see it so clearly...the top golfers of the world congregating. 7 courses in 7 days...gold, silver, bronze and 4th place gets nuthin'!

Oh well, permission to dream.

I was totally bummed when nothing came about Carl Lewis challenging Vernon Davis to a curling match. Sure, it was good spirited banter...but I thought they should go for it. Maybe they still should. Howabout celebrity curling matchups? What genius producer is gonna take this on? It would probably broadcast on cable though so unless Mary Carillo is comissioned her own network I'll probably miss it, never mind. OH, MARY CARILLO COULD HOST!!

My god he did it again! It's official, my favorite athlete from the 2010 games is Petter Northug from Norway.

On the last day of the olympics the men's 50K cross country event was held. 30 miles of pure sprinting on skis. Any athlete who could take this on is superhuman in my book...and then there's 'The Wolf'. He didn't hold the lead much in this race and stayed comfortably behind for most of it. Not until the last klick and more specifically the last 100 meters did he strike...and when he struck it was lightning! Petter won the race .3 seconds ahead of silver and 1 full second ahead of bronze. Photo finish victory for the captain of the red army. This 24 year old's story has just begun and I will enjoy following it. Wow!

Then, of course, there is Oliver Jean's rats nest. This Canadian speed skater has some scary hair....and that's coming from someone with scary hair. It's a good thing for him the olympics were held in his home nation. If he tries to take that thing to Sochi he's gonna need to get a permit for it, or maybe even a visa! The picture hardly does justice. Just tune in to his next speed skating match and you'll see what I mean....oh, wait.


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