The topic was energy...

This got me thinking about a concept I'm sure others have thought of (and could even exist!), but one somewhat ahead of it's time. I would love to have a removable gadget that stored the kinetic power created when I ride my bike, some kind of battery contraption that I could transfer to a gizmo that makes that power accessible as electricity in my home. I'm fairly certain I pedal enough to handle my voracious, American appetite for electricity. If I don't pedal enough I would certainly be willing to pedal more. I understand pedal power can be converted but I wonder if it can be stored. If not it should! Someone do this!!
There was much energy talk in Silicon Valley last week as the Bloom Box was made public. This version of fuel cell energy production sounds very promising. I'm not attuned enough to know if it could be successful/viable. I saw a segment about it on 60 minutes and of course the inventor of the Bloom Box seemed very optimistic but I read some follow up pieces that called to question its practicality and price point.
Regardless, I'm ready for clean, guilt-free energy!
Imagine if the energy of an 8.8 mag. earthquake could be harnessed somehow! Prayers and hope to Chile as this world trembles and shakes.
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