Doing Her Part

Salinas, CA -- Oct 23 A seventh-grader in Central California made headlines today with the announcement about her discoveries into President Obama's past. BridgeAnne d'Avignon, a seventh-grader at Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville, with the guidance of her eighty-year-old grandfather, has researched the ancestry of all the U.S. presidents. She discovered that all the presidents but one are cousins, with a common ancestor in King John "Lackland" Plantagenet, signer of the Magna Carta. The odd president out is Martin van Buren, whose Dutch ancestry did not link into every other presidents' English lines, although he is a cousin to a few presidents through different ancestors.
BridgeAnne spent her summer compiling the information and collaborating on creating a chart to display it. She hopes to deliver a signed and framed version to President Obama in person. The chart will be officially unveiled on October 28 at Monte Vista Christian School.
Things that make you go hmmmmm, every president aside from Van Buren are distant cousins traced back to the King of England. An 11 year old figures this out.
Are u related?...find out at her website:
(I refuse to see if I'm a primo...I wouldn't want to have to consider my candidacy, or worse...commission an exploratory committee)
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