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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

February 21, 2009

Doing My Part

Bike fever (Lance Armstrong fever) raced through SC county earlier in the week as the Amgen Tour of California ended it's second leg downtown. Apparently this race is ranked among the biggest in the states despite only being 4 years old. The race whizzed by my apartment so I decided to check it out. After an hour and a half of anxious anticipation the two front runners were spotted and seconds later they were gone like lightning.

A minute or two after that the first pack came by and SSSSSSHHHHWWISHHHHHHA they were gone. And that was pretty much it. Oh, yeah, the whole pack almost crashed because my skateboard entered the raceway. I guess when I leaped off of it, the board slid halfway off the curb and before I had any idea of what happened the world's elite bikers were dodging it. How embarrassing. Glad I didn't kill anyone and or effect the race. Thank heavens I didn't take out Lance!!!! I would be the Steve Bartman of pro cycling. My bad.

I sure would have loved to watch the race on tv. Sausalito to SC on some of the roads I love the best! No one had the balls to cover it though....what a blown opportunity to make some new fans.


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