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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

February 18, 2009

Betting on less tv consumption

Today is the day broadcast television switches from analog to digital reception (or at least it was supposed to be the day). I've come to (at least temporary) resolution for what I should do about all of it. I threatened to smash my television today, or give it away but I've settled on a different plan. I realize to be without a tv would be very startling and recognize that I have a serious addiction i should be weaned from carefully. Great rationalization, huh?

I've instituted a 14 hour allowance of tv time a week, measured out in poker chips. When the chips are gone so is my boob tube privilege for the week. I figure 14 hours is a big number to start with. The goal (I imagine) will be to work my way down to 7 hours a week.

This system will force me to make critical decisions concerning my viewing habits. I aim to take the mindless entertainment factor out of the equation so I may learn to appreciate each junky moment for what it is worth.

I think this is a plan I can live with...and I begin today!


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