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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

January 21, 2009

still dreaming

I do like to keep this board light and airy but I must express concern toward the general sentiments I heard and saw yesterday about the "new state of race relations" in our country. For example, one white man's banner read, "We Finally Overcame" and I heard an African American man on the news proclaim with jubilation, "Color doesn't matter anymore!" I heard a white woman explaining to her child that, "Dr. King's dream has come true."

The election of President Obama does not erase or end the climates of institutional racism and white privilege that still persist here. Nor does it absolve us from the legacy and horror of the 360+ year slave trade from which this country's history is deeply rooted. Yesterday was a feel good event for this nation but the quest for creating a place where everybody is treated equally will continue to be a central challenge for us to work toward together. Fear, hatred and bigotry haven't vanished now that a man of color is the president.

I'm certain the president wants us to know this milestone is not a finish line but merely a place to stop and reflect upon how far we have come. The U.S. is still a place where dreaming for equality is a relevant pursuit!


Blogger el Craplastico said...

...and Hot Topic is still not punk rock!

7:59:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You said it, brother. You'd like this guy:

10:41:00 PM  

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