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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

January 28, 2009


Because 6 million americans are inexplicably unprepared for the DTV transition (yes, the one I blogged about two years ago) it has been officially postponed until June which means the relentless PSA campaign will continue for the next 5 months. Just this fact alone should make my decision an easy one.

I'm still, "on the fence" about what exactly I will do concerning television. Previously I pledged to give it up when the switch comes (although I also prepared myself with the appropriate technology). I've wavered back and forth and back again. When I came home from holidays I pledged to not turn the tv on that evening but honestly it was the first thing I did after ensuring that none of my shit was stolen while I was gone...oh, and cracking open a cold one.

I love mundane, ridiculous, cheap entertainment. My monkeymind insists upon having it. However, the rest of me knows that I need to stop junking out in this life. Making good and healthy decisions needs to become a priority for me. This seems to be a pivotal moment. Gravity pulls harder now.

I've created lists of, "other things I should be doing," and have even gone to the effort of doing other things (like joining the gym). I'm happy with the other thing! I feel empowered when I choose to do something else.

Conversely, I feel quite weak when I run with the monkeymind. My damned, silly monkeymind is just too much fun to run with.

What we've got here is a crisis! The easy thing would be to defer my decision until June and in the meantime, wean myself off the box. That does sound easy, after all, I was able to quit cigarettes cold turkey a decade ago....but I just don't know. I just don't know how this story ends yet.



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