I've tried to be compassionate/empathetic. I've tried to reserve/suspend/ignore/dismiss my critical judgement. But throughout this emerging story my dark heart keeps wondering how this single mother of 14 will be able to afford her decision. Answers started flowing down the digital pop stream this morning:
Taxpayers are already footing part of the bill...Suleman receives $490 a month in food stamps, and three of her first six children are disabled and receiving federal benefits.Three sources told the Times that Kaiser has requested Medi-Cal reimbursement for care of the octuplets, which is estimated to run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In short, you and I will be footing this bill. Apu can't help us now! In the coming weeks and years this ethical dilemma will be dissected and debated ad nauseum. I will try to have nothing else to say about it since the rest of the world will think on this one with intensity, passion and vigor.
Here's a wish/dream for those children though that they grow up strong somehow and one day become healthier than their sick mother, smarter/wiser than their sperm donor father, and beautiful enough to make this orb a better place!
On a side note: I watched Obama's press conference last night and I was filled with satisfaction and relief that we finally have a leader who can articulate his point of view with intelligence and clarity. ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
OK...off my high horse.