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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

January 24, 2010

Too Much Info: I pee in the shower everyday

Bwhahaha, it's true! I forget when this all started. Maybe a few years ago...before the Brazilian campaign anyway (the country runs ads encouraging its citizens to do so...1600 gallons of water can be saved per household a year)

yes, I realize I'm saving a bunch of flushes but I would do it anyway, even if there wasn't environmental reasoning to back it up. Even if I wasn't in charge of the water bill. At the gym, I pee in the shower. At friends houses, I pee in the shower. If I sleep over at your house, and ask to take a shower, I'm gonna piss in there too...now you know!

Postsecret has a bunch of postcards dedicated toward the subject this week and I just thought it was time to fess up.


Blogger RogueBettie said...

Too honest with you... Who *doesn't* pee in the shower, lol!

9:33:00 AM  
Blogger el Craplastico said...

I think we better start a list! All those who don't pee in the shower, IDENTIFY YOURSELF PLEASE!!

8:15:00 PM  

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