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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

January 18, 2010

Best Story


Blogger el Craplastico said...

best story/explanation gets a prize!

4:59:00 PM  
Blogger el Craplastico said...

Oh fine...I'll take a crack at it:

Yiminey Picklefoot (Angus the Bruised for short) exacted terrible trouble upon his mates. Long before class was to begin he awoke in the wee hours, snuck in through the window (he unlatched the previous day) with his sack of hijinx. It didn't take long to boobytrap the halls (sorry, no boobies involved.)

Miles and days of fishing line criss-crossed the linoleum highway...buckets of pink paint teetered above doorways. The sacred stench of stink bombs wafted in the still air. Lucy Duncanholder's locker was painted zebra-like (Yiminey loves Lucy...she thinks he smells like a circus though!)

There were other unmentionables too.

When Dr. Shazzbutt (not his real name to protect his identity) had discovered the silly mess he decided that enough was enough was enough...this time Angus the Bruised had gone too far!!

After stating how, "RE-GOD-DAMN-DICULOUS" this silly mess of a school was there was only one thing left to do. Parade Yiminey Picklefoot through the halls of his mess while wearing the Donkey Ears of Remorse.

Now Dr. Shazzbutt (not his real name to protect his identity) had gone too fucking far!!! It was something about those ears that spun Yiminey Picklefoot into a fit of rage. It wasn't the idea of being ostrasized or punished, no, on the contrary Yiminey Picklefoot enjoyed wearing the ears and had hoped to do so (he feels like it helps him smell more like a circus.)

Yiminey's fit of rage was spun for a deeper, darker reason only he understands....(oh, and Mr. Joel Smith and his fabulous wife Sherry)

Angus the Bruised imagined his mates becoming awful things, large awful things....oh the terror poor Dr. Shazbutt would suffer through.

(classified for mission #114)

Oh how his mates would rejoice when mission #114 was actualized. He too would think well of himself. Perhaps he is the legend he knew he could become!!!

1:32:00 PM  

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