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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

September 06, 2005


the disasterambassadors

Don't you feel better yet? They will feel our pain. They will encourage massive financial assistance efforts after devastating natural disasters and what not. Where would we be without their civic leadership?


Blogger turbonephew said...

Hi, you have a great blog!
Come to my site where I will rip you off, and then laugh behind my keyboard and monitor of trickery. Hmmm... Just Like the disasterambassadors.
These two joining forces is like batman and the joker joining up to buy a walmart. it's all for corporate profit, with light sprinkling of charity.

1:48:00 PM  
Blogger el Craplastico said...

I can taste the evil.

9:45:00 AM  

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