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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

April 06, 2005

After '74

This is an on-going list of stuff invented after I was born. Why do I do care? I'm not so sure....but for some emerging reason I do!

1974 personal computer
1974 liposuction
1975 push tab
1977 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1977 space shuttle
1978 in vitro fertilization (IVF), human
1978 Jarvik-7
1979 Walkman
1979 cellular phones
1980 Rollerblades
1980 compact disc (CD)
1980 Post-its
1982 camcorder
1982 Human Growth Hormone
1983 soft bifocal contact lenses
1983 virtual reality
1984 DNA fingerprinting
1986 synthetic skin
1986 disposable camera
1987 meningitis vaccine
1987 laptop computer
1988 RU-487
1988 Doppler Radar
1988 Prozac
1988 Indiglo
1990 World Wide Web
1990 Namibia
1991 Lithuania
1991 Croatia
1992 Bosnia
1992 Herzegovinia
1995 digital videodisc (DVD)
1997 Democratic Republic of the Congo
1998 Viagra
2002 East Timor


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