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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

March 19, 2005

Rouge Monkeys

Monkey attacks in Hong Kong
April 22, 2004

Alarmed by a growing number of monkey attacks on people, Hong Kong conservation officials said they're trying to catch several rogue animals and send them away.

"We are trying our best to catch those monkeys who have become serious disturbances to country park visitors," said Albert Hui, a spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.

Hong Kong has an estimated 1,380 wild monkeys living in two rural parks, and some have been causing more than their share of mayhem. They attack picnickers and hikers, stealing food and sometimes throwing unwanted items back at the victims.

Complaints about monkey disturbances, as such cases are classified, rose to 126 last year, from 115 in 2002, Hui said.

Hui said several monkeys have been targeted, though he didn't have an exact figure. He said some traps have been set in hopes of catching the worst offenders. The monkeys causing the biggest problems are believed to have been outcast from their natural families.

Hong Kong hopes to send the monkeys to overseas or mainland Chinese zoos.

Officials had previously set up a sterilization program to keep down the numbers of monkeys, but the population has apparently been growing. The monkeys occasionally stray into urban areas of Hong Kong, causing more problems.


Blogger el Craplastico said...

"The monkeys causing the biggest problems are believed to have been outcast from their natural families."

This ain't no hokey pokey but I'm quite certain that this is what it is all about.

Are you listening monkey families?

9:06:00 AM  

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