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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

April 28, 2005

Golden Toes

I have a postcard of a billboard on my bedroom wall that states, "I will look at things I don't want to see." For me this bold statement feels like a meditation and a personal challenge. I would like to study the meditation and live up to the challenge but I don't.

To be truthful, I constantly ignore and turn away from things I don't want to see and feel. I get scared and horrified and like all human beings I turn my back on the stuff that brings me pain.

I can think of dozens of examples of ways and times I ignore what's in front of me but I only care to mention one stupid thing that is grossing me out these days. Something very irelevant and avoidable.

Every time I'm watching the teevee and I see it come on I must instantly press mute and avert my eyes. It absolutely freaks me out and I wish I will never see it again. What could be so disturbing you ask....the damn Lamisil commercial featuring the bacteria monster that pops open a toe nail, jumps inside and wreaks golden havoc within. The commercial must be about three minutes long and like a mini-infomercial it has to describe in such great detail what happens when your foot bgins to rot, how the toxic goo kills off the bacteria, and of course all the crappy side effects that may or may not occur as a result of using such crap..

I empathize with people struggling to control bacterial problems and I sure do hope that every resource available helps them find comfort and remedy but this commercial has to stop......and I'M GONNA BE THE ONE TO STOP IT!


Blogger el Craplastico said...

....or will I?

8:59:00 AM  
Blogger el Craplastico said...

There are also other reminders on my walls.

I stitched with yarn and felt the chinese character for the word, "rectitude."

I have Ghandi's famous quote, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

My lady made me a sweet one that says I am, "....the stars, the moon and the sun....I love you!"

11:18:00 AM  

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