Prop thoughts

I am thankful for 'The League of Pissed-Off Voters' recommendations. Not particularly clever with words, i find the props of our age often need to be decoded to be truly understood. Surely I'm not alone here. How insidiously evil it is to try and trick people into voting for or against something.
Of course, most voters don't have the time (or think they don't have the time) to learn the intention behind the measure. Many voters probably don't care. I think most voters though just vote party line and/or trust the endorsements of their favorite ideological organization. For me it's difficult to find candidates and props I believe in and trust...I feel phony in that I'm participating in a broken system of government I don't support. But here we are in front of what we have.....what to do?
I still haven't finished my ballot but here's how I'm leaning in relation to the league's recommendations:
Prop 19:
The League-Yes
Me- Hell YES!!
Although in recent weeks I've heard arguments claiming that weed, for the most part, is already legal in the republic. If this prop passes it will just open the door toward government control and taxation. I however think it's a HUGE statement to the rest of the nation and I am hopeful it might stimulate our sunken economy...or at least mellow it out a bit.
Prop 20:
The League- No
I HATE that the Republicrats control this shit! It feels like a state version of the Electoral insider's way to control the outcome of democracy. In truth I don't understand the process of redistricting and don't really want to. Maybe it would be better to just duct tape a marker to an intoxicated monkey and let him figure out the congressional lines, that could be fair! How could this endeavor ever be fair?
Prop 21:
The League- Yes
Me-FARKIN A' YES!!!!!!!
Don't stop there....charge them $50 to support our ailing state park system (our crown jewel)! Charge them $150!!! Charge them a BAZILLION dollars. Damn your precious automobiles is what I say.
Prop 22:
The League- No
Too many words/ideas here. I agree for, "The STATE" having the ability to raid/borrow transportation funds as I crave a California that looks and feels like Callenbach's 'Ecotopia'....fuck patching the potholes and let's start ripping the concrete up right now! What I don't understand is the last part prohibiting "The STATE" from raiding/borrowing, 'local government projects and services'. Keep your greedy claws off our bread crumbs is what I say. I want to vote yes to this statement and no to the first half. Where's my line item veto power as a voter?
Prop 23:
The League- Hell No
Me- Hell No
Let's suspend air pollution control law until we choke to bout that?
Prop 24:
The League- Hell Yes
Me- Hell Yes!
I don't believe in or endorse tax breaks period. Pay what you owe be you a person or a business. Although I do plan to write off all my contributions to non-profit organizations this year (i've saved all my receipts) and I will take any phony baloney tax deduction turbo tax seems to think I deserve.
Prop 25:
The League- Hell Yes
Me-Yes, Yes, Yes!
I'm uncertain this will fix the budget impasse mess in this state but is surely a step in the right direction. If I was emperor those motherfucker's would not only forfeit their pay until a budget is passed, they would be on 'Lord of the Flies' lockdown at the Capitol. Bread and water style. Oh, I'm emperor...I don't need those ass-clowns. nevermind.
Prop 26:
The League- Hell No
Me- huh, what?
I don't get this one. It is so layered in double speak that when I read the arguments in favor and against I can't even understand how it relates back to the proposition itself. I think this is one where I just have to trust that The League has my back. Thanks for making me feel so dumb Prop 26.
Prop 27:
The League-Yes
Props 20 and 27 are tangled. This illustrates the problem with the process. Why are these two props on the ballot together? How are they the same? How are they different? Could they be combined? Why vote for one and not the other? Thanks Prop 27 for making me feel like a complete idiot who doesn't deserve his vote cuz he is too simple to understand. Trick or treat?
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