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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

October 23, 2010

None of the Above...

...would dictate my voting strategy this election had it been an option. Instead I've decided to become a party man and I'm going green straight down the ballot. Just starting to research who these green candidates are and what they stand for, but that doesn't matter...they are the lucky recipients of my feeble protest vote. lucky them.

decoding the propositions will be a whole other story!


Blogger Unknown said...

The League of Pissed-Off Voters says:

State Props:
19: Yes - Legalize!
20: No - Expands undemocratic redistricting commission to cover congress
21: Yes - $18 vehicle fee to pay for state parks
22: No - Complicated & suspicious way to prevent state borrowing from local agencies
23: Hell No - Cold-cocks CA’s landmark anti-global-warming bill
24: Hell Yes - Repeal corporate tax breaks
25: Hell Yes - Restore majority rule for the state budget!
26: Hell No - Cripple CA’s ability to pay for services via fees
27: Yes - Eliminate that sketchy redistricting commission (see 20)

8:52:00 AM  

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