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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

August 08, 2010

Escape from Vacation Island

Whelp, the trip is long over now, my sleep cycle has nearly recovered but I'm filled with memories of a 3 week east coast odyssey. Whenever you get to spend sweet time with all the people you love you can only be tremendously thankful, although the emotional hangover hangs super heavy.

Had the sort of trip that makes me question my whole life.

Here's some trip stats (in no particular order) that resonate:
* 4+ hours sleep a night for much, much too long

* 100+ miles zipping around the lake atop an undersized Raleigh

* 2 3rd place finishes upon the longest croquet course in Wulamat folk lore

* a boat named Mary that found time to listen

* another named Joseph that loved to turn 360's

* 2 tiny fish caught, one a blue gill, both set free

* a raucous ride home in Tin Can from the Isle of Mayhew

* a wonderful show and a terrible storm atop a dead quarry

* 2 trips to visit my stunningly beautiful grandmother who has 101 years

* a pile of chips I couldn't count (or sort)

* Much disc golfing with turbo and alone..no P.B.'s nor aces but a decent flock of birds

* far too many blown opps

* 2 triples and 2 quadruples all in one round

* a "new" sport called Cornhole that makes beer better

* one vicious round of monopoly that would make Trump blush (sorry Dubros)

* Anecdotal stories from Super Bowl XXXVII

* more AM conversations I yearn for now

* 4 Tsunami's (Coutney's/Arthur's Boat/A Choppy Day/Hole 17)

* 6 something pizzas

* 6-2 in scrabble bouts with mom

* 200 puzzle pieces shy of 1000

* way too many uncycled articles of refuse

* a bag of great books gone to amazing families

* a spiderman trip up the Holt trail with a beautiful couple to be wed in november

* one 7+ foot wooden Indian guarding the trail of wrong ways

* $700+ bones to fulfill the fun

* a relentless wind

* too many moons to change my mind

Welcome to the dessert pile french fries!

(pics by Tim)


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