the broken (a rant)

Beyond disturbing practice, this mode of operation is killing the spirit of those who are trying to do their very best on behalf of youth, their families and our communities. I abhor this broken system and truly wonder how long it will be tolerated.
Fat cat administrators and politicians, all of whom get paid WAY too much coin are to blame for this pitiful condition but it's the soldiers, the teachers that pay the price. No, that's's the kids who pay the ultimate price. On the backs of children these 'leaders' play shell games with their future. Where is their shame?
Pink slipping has got to go! There must be a better way to create a state budget that allocates enough funds to our most important public servants. The annual budget process needs to be reformed so that schools can be certain how much money they have for not only the upcoming school year, but also the one in advance. Right now, schools should know their budget for the '11-'12 school year so they can make responsible decisions district by district by 1000 school districts.
When you fire someone, in any vocation, it should be for real, and it should be for good cause...'we don't know if we can pay you' isn't one. That is an act of negligence and the ones who can't make good, responsible decisions on behalf of their constituents should be held accountable. In this broken system that will not happen and the failure of public schools will be directed toward the ones trying to save it, the dedicated legion of teachers caught in the crossfire.
A pink slip? I say return to sender!
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