
After Papa Joe tearing a phone book in half we enjoyed a 462 pic slideshow (movie I called it) of the children's year (popcorn and apple juice for all.) Somewhere around pic 400 the natives got restless and between the finger shadows and further shredding of the phone book, all out pandemonium became the charge. The spirits proceeded to trash the block area and turned that broken phone book into confetti. My co-teacher, the incredible Miss Linda and several parents tried to stop the spirits but I insisted we let them do it....after all, it was their day!
A massive clean-up ensued...we then enjoyed our favorite children's books (me: Aki and the Fox, the incredible Miss Linda: Where the Wild Things Are.) Fed 'em lunch. A 25 lap sprint around the climber for the restless kids (and me). And then we turned the classroom into Breakdancing Party (with only the near appropriate tracks from Sugar Hill's best of CD.) God we were white and nerdy!!
Took one last trip to the duck pond and I let Pickle push me on the swings. When we came back we were bloody hot so I became one with the garden hose and projected a rain cloud into a sky with nothing like that. Not long after I said goodbye to the children and to year 11....I didn't cry like I thought I should. Maybe this will happen later.
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