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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

March 21, 2010

Beers 15-Sandbaggers 11

More like silly child. I just couldn't do it! Leaving Beach Day VII I was so fed up I said fark it...packed my $24 flippy floppies that felt so good in the store but has since left two new blisters (blister count is at 9) and made the decision to walk home barefoot...after all I had good scabs going and I was officially over it.

For the first time in a week walking felt good again! Freedom from shoes was just what I needed!! I felt so damn good I tailed it to the gym and said fuck it a 2nd time....I'm gonna have a boxing circuit, BAREFOOT! It felt fantastic!!! Bout 45 minutes in I eventually bumped the big one and it started bleeding so I left, washed it out and sprayed it down with napalm....or some other burning/healing agent from my new and improved first aid cache.

I knew for softball today I would be a game time decision at best and didn't plan to play but then I said fark it again...wrapped up and got my keister to Michael Gray Field. Although I entertained the idea of playing barefoot I just knew that would be a terrible idea unless of course we were playing in the Dominican Republic where it is expected. See, sensibility can be found in my thought process.

It's a great ting I showed up...not only did we win I went 4 for 4 with 4RBI's (it's agreed that the new bat kinda rocks!) Yes, I did open 7 of 9 blisters in the game and that should be added to my stat line but now I smell like naplam, or benzocain, or victory, or gangreen, or something toxic, beautiful and unfamiliar.

So much for my suspension I guess. Just couldn't follow through. Please add that to my stat line and don't laugh at me when I Kickboe barefoot tomorrow night.


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