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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

May 10, 2009


...or is it spelled 'howahya', I don't know? My sister spent 7 days "livin' it" here, on the edge of the world with me; we had a blast, made the beer companies richer, invented a new sport, watched waaaaay more than 14 hours of television, ate like royalty, drank like pirates, missed pilates (and lots of other classes), biked 6 miles, stared at surfers and beautiful people, almost had a campfire, and more, more, more. What can I say, I love that tambourine-headed silly person! Come again!!


Anonymous Monica said...

Aww She's so pretty, even music on her her head!! I'm bummed I missed her on this adventure! I am so glad you guys had such a great time!

12:17:00 AM  

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