It's coming!

I owe the rangers and city greed mongerers big time! Several months ago the city decided to repave the lot at Dela and then of course charge for parking. They even installed a gate to keep people out of the lot at night. Another way for the city to make a quick buck and assert their authority upon the simpletons.
I bike to Dela so none of this effects me. What has been happening though is the guy from the neighboring ball golf course who is responsible for unlocking the gate is quite unpredictable as to when he chooses to perform this duty. Sometimes he's there at 7AM or even later and is greeted to a line up of 6 or so cars waiting to get in. People have become savy though and have stopped coming before 7AM.
Well I bike in at 6AM and play the course for a full hour by myself before anyone gets there. Effectively, one of the top ten courses in the world is literally my private course for an hour each week! What I hesitate to tell my buddies is that the delinquent guy from the ball golf course has actually been showing up early again. The gate is already open when I get there these days.
I don't think they need to know that though.
As for my game, I've really leveled out in my skills without much recent progress. Been shooting reliable bogey golf for the most part: I bogey 50-60% of the time, par maybe 25%, the rest are birds, doubles and the occasional triple or worse. Alarmingly, I'm quite at peace with this skill set. Guess I don't get out to the course frequently enough to work through my kinks in an effective way. My mechanics are at issue and that's tough to correct.
I live for that occasional shot of greatness that keeps me coming back each happens!
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