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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

September 20, 2008

Pileated Woodpecker Sighting

....at DeLa this morning. Beautiful and big, pecking for ants in a log. Brazen mofo wasn't even spooked by our discs or noise.

We also spotted what looked like an eagle that was spooked out of a tree by one of JD's errant shots (give the man a break....his elbow is fucked up.)

I am hitting all time lows (if you can even believe it) especially with my drives. I'm a tense mess with a disc! Just can't get loose or comfortable out there and haven't been playing much as a result. Ahhhh, the ebb and flow.

Not whining though...the hiking and fellowship makes every trip well worth it.


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