For the committed alcoholics out there

Introducing the "Beer Belly"
for $34.95
Now you can take up to 80oz. of your favorite beverage wherever you go... Even where 'they' don't want you to! The Beerbelly is made up of an insulated neoprene 'sling' and a polyurethane 'bladder' with a tube for dispensing.. The bladder is held in an insulated pouch in the sling which is worn under your clothing for concealment. When worn, it looks just like a beerbelly, and stays cold for hours!
Why not bring 80oz of your favorite sipper -- beer, wine, sangria, margaritas, hot butter rum -- in with you as a spare tire?
That's right, a beer belly cooler that you fill with beverage and sneak into movies, concerts, sporting events, church, board meetings, or while you're flying and anywhere with outrageous drink prices.
Thanks Laura Ann!
Church and board meetings, bwahahahaahahahhaaaa, I drank at church once....once!
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