Where's the outRAGE? II electric boo-ga-loo

$1.1 trillion in government handouts to whom? Will this help people save their homes from foreclosure, no! Will this correct the failed system that led to this mess, no! Will this pad the wallets of fat cats who had a fucked up plan that collapsed on top of them, yes!
WHO is getting that money? Who exactly are we bailing out and why exactly do we wish to bail them? Why don't we have the right to vote on how the government chooses to throw around a trillion dollars? Why were we led to believe we participate in a free-market, capitalist economy? LIES! LIES, DIRTY FUCKING LIES!!!
I never want to hear another republican complain about a homeless person getting a free lunch; a child receiving a free education or even a state that receives funds to build a bridge to anywhere.
This administration is about to give two Iraq wars worth of taxpayer money to people who did their job bad and failed. I vote no to the bailout and yes to financial collapse. Let's start all over again but this time we will seek to remedy the sources of our oppression rather than the symptoms.
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