And in other news...

I joined a co-ed rec. softball team. We are the "bad news beers" and play in the mountain league. We googled around and there are several other clever teams around the country running with the same name so I guess we aren't that original. Oh well.
We've had two games this season so far and lost 11-2 and 19-7 but what the hell, we're the beers!
I've been playing left and center field because I am one of the few poeple on the team jazzed about shagging fly's who can actually throw the ball to the infield, although my accuracy is somewhat suspect (inspite of my laser-rocket arm). I love the rush I get when the ball is coming at me out there. I hope they don't move me to the infield if I look too good.
As far as hitting.... I'm .750 after 4 plate appearances with two singles and a double. I think I'm keeping up with it alright. Room for improvement for sure. Had a good BP at thursday night practice so my confidence is strong for tuesday night.
Think I need to get Ted William's Science of Hitting again and study up.

Isn't this the prettiest chart ever?
Still becoming familiar with the quirky rules associated to the rec league like the veer line, the commit line, cone rules, encroachment, starting 1-1, the foul rule, and what not. I'm learning by breaking each rule, one at a time.
The shirts aren't actualy our shirts. We are 'that team without uniforms' so we look as motley as we play. There's a committee of us working on acceptable designs and this was my shot. I like it. I would wear it.
I'm already nursing injuries too. Left wrist twist and quadricep strains in both my legs. I think the latter though has somewhat to do with my poor diet these days and my bike commuting ways. I'm taking care of it though. Lots of heat and wrap therapy. I caught it before it got too bad. Also trying to drink plenty of water before it's all gone.
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