dagnab it!

I'm a weak man....one who apparently values escape over freedom.....a conflicted soul who knows the way but refuses to walk it.
I got my hands on one of these HOT converter coupon cards and I aim to use it. Isn't it so pretty with it's holographic roulette-like wheel....so OFFICIAL with it's department of commerce seal? Doesn't it look really important?
Haven't spent it yet.
It's not too late for me. I could just keep the keepsake and try bizarre things with it for the rest of my days. Wouldn't it be fun flashing it around town? It could be the best card in my wallet....even better than my get out of jail free card! It could even become a collector's item someday!!
Or I could use it and get the converter box and then smash the box to pieces on Feb. 17th in protest or rage or something. That's silly.
I think I'm gonna cash the card though, and hook the magic digital box up to my tv...even though I declared I wouldn't....so, this is it, I've hit rock bottom.
It's official, I need an intervention!
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