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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

May 06, 2008


I poked around a little bit trying to find a blog associated to the suggested topic. I'm super curious how individuals will spend, save or use their economic stimulus checks. I just received mine via the wire last night. It looks so beautiful just sitting there in my checking account but I know my time to admire it will pass. I'm getting caught up in my finances after my recent move so with my check I plan to:
- payoff the balance of my deposit for my apartment
- put a chunk into my iphone savings account (I'm still phoneless and I aim to bag a 2nd gen when it's released)
- have a good dinner
- and the rest will eventually go to VISA for food and beer

I know....real sexy right?

I bet Vegas stands to make a lot of money from this whole thing. I can see people trying to make their pittance into a fortune....or just blowing it on booze and strippers. There will be others who choose to do good mitzvah for others. That's noble!

I wish I could hold onto mine until Bush leaves office but that just isn't an option right now. Bush was right, I can use the stimulus. I don't agree with the government taking wild gambles like this (the stimulus package is all borrowed money) but at the same time I can't turn away $600.

I was hoping I would be one of those lucky schmucks who get a few extra zeroes by mistake. If that were the case I would be publishing this from an undisclosed tropical location as the IRS tries to hunt me down.

If anyone hears of a good blog about what people are doing with their payments please let me know as I'm super curious!


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