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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

October 20, 2007

Doing Her Part

Can't say that I've done a 'keeping it weird' post in a while. It's not like weirdness has left this coastal city. It's here! In fact if you come here you would probably find more strangeness than I even recognize. I suppose I've just been negligent in documenting those who are doing their part. This, Stuart Smalley-like affirmation is from today's Sentinel:

Santa Cruz has a nice clock
A number of years ago, a friend and I would go to San Francisco and have lunch at the St. Francis Hotel. After lunch I would tell my friend "I will see you at the clock," a very beautiful clock near the entrance of the hotel. I say the same here in Santa Cruz, "I will see you at the clock," a very nice-looking clock in Santa Cruz.

Marian Allegri
Santa Cruz


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