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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

November 02, 2006

No...it's true!

I remember a time in high school when I brought my umpteenth test home to get signed by a parent which meant I scored below a 75. Usually I would bring the tests to my mother because she was the test-signing warden but she was sick of seeing my terrible grades. She told me to go see my dad out in the backyard. I brought the test to him and I could tell he was upset because at first he didn't speak....then he asks me bluntly, "so do you want to quit school right now?" He said it in a way that I knew he was serious.....like we would just drive to the high school and sign the papers right there. He went on to say that I was obviously wasting my time, no college would possibly want me as a student and there was only one thing left to do....go join the army.

That was one of those forks in the road I certainly could have traveled. Needless to say I didn't! I did however take his words to heart and began considering the consequences of being a dumb-ass.


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