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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

April 26, 2006


I am fighting the temptation to waste my hard earned money on strange droid toys.


Blogger turbonephew said...

I can't think of a better thing to spend money on.
Fuck food, and shelter.
It's all about plastic replica droids.

I didn't even know there were so many versions of that old canister.


I'm helping this dude set up his course. It's a lot closer to my house than any of the courses listed on pdga and there is another one that is still in it's initial phase with approaching the planning board in tyngsboro, which is less than 5 miles from my house!!!

The sport of disk golf is coming to northern massachusetts. (It's a hell of a lot easier for me to join someone rolling towards getting a course than trying to fight these tightwads in hudson and nashua. )

6:24:00 AM  
Blogger el Craplastico said...

dude.....fuck YESH!
Did a write up on chaaaching. Have fun with this and take good pictures.

8:29:00 AM  

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