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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

January 24, 2006


I had a nightmare a night ago and it's still with me with vivid clarity. I was strolling along a beach front and saw a small beauty salon so I decided to stop in and get a haircut. The experience was quite pleasant and I enjoyed the exchange of banter with the hairstylist.

I received what maybe the best looking haircut of my life.

I proceeded to check out with the owner of the salon and she handed me a bill for $70. SEVENTY-FRICKEN-DOLLARS!!! I protested yelled and screamed until I was forced to pay up.

After that I stood in front of the salon for a while and told prosepctive customers to stay away. Then the salon owner chased me away.

......well it seemed like a nightmare to me!


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