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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

December 16, 2005

Ultimate X-Mas Gift

Buzzed to the mall after work for the obvious and this one was a no-brainer!

Behold the Sauna Suit!

"One size fits all; soft and pliable waterproof vinyl fabric; all seams are 100% electronically sealed."

Dig the warning:
"Do not wear it over 10 minutes as you take violent exercise."

You’re probably wondering to yourself, “who will be the one to get this gem?” We shall see. It will be included in the family’s yankee swap come Sunday.


Blogger el Craplastico said...

Aunt Ann wound up with the sauna suit. I'm guessing she won't ever wear it. She probably doesn't appreciate it. I wouldn't if I were her. The sauna suit is of no use to her. She doesn't participate in violent exercise for more than 10 minutes at a time. She (as far as I know) isn't into electronically sealed vinyl. This was a miserable decision on my part. The sauna suit won't bring joy....it will bring confusion and possibly sadness. I messed up the whole stinkin holiday and it ain't even X-mas. shit.

12:39:00 AM  

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