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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

June 14, 2012

Bad News Beers- 13 Vs. Outlaws-12

At the Spring of '12 IOOF/SLV B-Division Championship Game, The Beers made up a five run defecit in the  bottom of the seventh to defeat "The Outlaws" and claim it's first pennant ever! On a blistering hot afternoon at Micheal Gray Field BNB had to defeat the 4th seeded team, Monty's Log Cabin (and did 15 to 3) to earn it's way to the Championship Round. 

In a back and forth game where we had last up's we needed a grand slam to get back in and when Miles jacked one anything seemed possible. 

Somehow, someway I got up to bat with runners on 2nd and 3rd with one out. It was a moment where I should have felt the stressful gravity but instead I felt at ease.....glad to be at bat. 

I drove in the game winning runs but it was ugly as hell! Should've could've been a double play ball that almost blasted through to the outfield but the flustered decisions of the infielders somehow found me safe on first and then stealing second. By then the base runners made it safely home and we won! 

I experienced an adrenaline rush I can't even describe. The game was over and we were finally champions!!

It was an amazing end to a season that got started for us a month late because of the spring rain. We went 7-1 and only lost to the Outlaws once in a game that we were defeated by a run. It was also a season marred with injury. I was out for two games nursing an infected knee (from sliding).

Our summer season started the following night and The Beer Sluggers narrowly beat The Redwood Rippers 14-12. I'm a Beer Slugger this season and faced off against my former team. We were short a third baseman so I moved to the infield. Took a line drive off my ring finger and rolled my ankle but still found a way to drive in the two winning runs for the second day in a row. Bloody and sore, I could barely grip the bat with my right hand. I'm dinged up pretty bad....and so the saga continues. 

I'm glad we are in the heart of the season!


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