This guy...

Like many a young, eccentric soul, the wanderlust has turned him into a complete vagabond and NPR gave him 4 good minutes for it this weekend. I guess deep in our hearts (and more shallow for some of us) we can all relate and reminisce to that magical time when we tried to define what freedom meant by searching for it, regardless of the cost.
After digging deeper though, this guy really creeps me out. His well-crafted websites paint his true intent. Like the prototypical ADventure capitalist, Billy Six really just wants to stake his claim and/or fame and then head home a wealthy man who lives happily ever after. (NPR missed that part)
Exploiting Africa's mineral wealth as well as the generosity and kindness of its people was the real story for me.
The closer he walks toward the gunpowdery smell of NATO enforced revolution, Billy will be sure to find 11 more minutes. I gave him a minute.... so make it 10.
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