The heavens of change?

I knew when they stripped planetdom from Pluto it was just the beginning. This is old news by's really old news.
It seems astrology is changing man! The star forecasting world was recently spun on its axis when astronomer Parke Kunkle claimed, "that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed....The Earth's position has changed vis-a-vis the Sun in the last 3,000 years when astrological signs were first allocated and there is a new sign called Ophiuchus". The dates of rule for this new zodiac sign (if you buy this) is from Nov. 29 - Dec. 17.
Astrologers who align themselves to the tropical zodiac rather than the sidereal zodiac don't buy this '13th zodiac bullcrap' and claim nothing has changed and even go on to assert this "news" was well understood back in 130 B.C.....please disperse, there is nothing to see here.
The astronomers and astrologers will squabble for certain but isn't it interesting, the shaky foundation we build our metaphysical temples on, and how fragile our social conventions are? Forget an earthquake...this is a freakin' starquake of curious magnitude.'re fired, It's time to abide by the Kunkle Scale!
All those ideas, beliefs I had about being Capricornian, OUT THE WINDOW! I'm a Sagittarian now, the 'most philosophical of all the signs' (thank you Jim Morrison). I climb mountains no more and my knees are fine. Goodbye reserved, practical, bossy me! My goatfish days are over...yep, now I'm half man, HALF HORSE!!! Look at my hooves!! LOOK AT MY IDEALISTIC, PASSIONATE, RESTLESS HOOVES!!
(Glad I never got any damned Capricorn tattoos I tell ya.)
Well, that is one way to think about it. Or maybe I could just embrace everything I am, all the 'starstuff' inside me (thank you Carl Sagan). I can be all my signage, all my glory, all my his twisting and turbulent book of poetry the 'Lizard King' goes on to scribe:
But anyway, I don't believe in it
I think it's a bunch of bullshit, myself
But I tell you this, man, I tell you this
I don't know what's gonna happen, man, but I wanna have
my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames
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