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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

November 02, 2009


You ever feel like you had it coming? I sure did. After thousands of blown stop signs I finally got pinched. Officer Black pulled me over at Stoney and High on Thursday afternoon (it's really Storey but some fooligan tagged the sign.) Apparently I was going 10mph and blew through the stop. Officer Black was sweet about it all and certainly gets good cop points from me. Could have additionally ticketed me for having earphones plugged but let me off. He also thoroughly explained how I could attend bike traffic school and get the fine written off altogether. Should be just under $200 by his guesstimate.

I don't know if I will go to bike traffic school. I think it could be super dangerous. I might go there and find my soulmate. I imagine sweetheart and I getting into terrible mischief of one kind and another while racing metro busses cross-county.

I feel for the broken streak more than the citation and fine. I've been doing my self-rationalization tricks to try and ease the burden of payment. I justify that I just don't contribute enough to the roadway system and this is just an inconvenient tax. I think of the untold number of blown signs and divide the bill by X, I'm probably looking at .00something cents per sign.

Already I'm back to it and have blown at least 2 dozen stops. Instead of learning a valuable lesson I'm chasing a ghost. stupid dummy.


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