
Watched a particularly horrific show on the History channel this AM about the impending apocalypse slated for December 21st 2012 at 11:11AM (winter solstice) This was my first time hearing about the 'doomsdate' but apparently there is a massive hype machine forecasting this event complete with dedicated web sites and even merchandising. Don't you want a t-shirt or coffee mug or a teddy bear that reminds you about your last day on earth?
Apparently, from what I can gather, 12/21/2012:
represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution (supposedly) at exactly 11:11 am GMT.
Some believe it's the end of the Mayan calendar and others say this is supported by the I Ching. Various civilizations throughout recorded history point to this as an ending of some sort. Wow!
Ya, this knowledge sure taps into my fatalistic notions about time. Honestly though, i have feelings of peace rather than fear as I try to comprehend some sort of end...be it mine or ours together. First off, if this is a galactic happening there is surely nothing we could do to stop it. Shifting of the planets is beyond control and really we are all just along for the ride anyway. What a fun/silly/scary/beautiful/horrifying ride its been!
Secondly, if it really is our last 1,258 days and we are all going down with the ship together....that's kind of awesome/stunning/beautiful! I would love for us to all die together!! We don't do many things together as earth citizens. Maybe celebrating the olympics and New Year's are the couple things I can think of.(awww, shit new years can't count! what about the Jews and Chinese and anybody else with their own calendar?) Arriving to the end will surely be chaotic and include plenty of suffering, much garmonbozia...but should also help us appreciate the miracle of life in a reflective way that creates macro-awareness/appreciation. I would be ready for this!
Third and final, if humanity is truly terminal then the way we live our lives in these last days take on new meanings. Some of us will make the most of it and live out our wildest dreams and fantasies. Some of us will be locked in our fear and go mad because of it. Others of us will ignore it all together.
Personally, I might not get those wisdom teeth removed...perhaps I will plan my cross country bike adventure sooner than later. Maybe I will be brave enough to say yes to today rather than give attention to the question marks of tomorrow. Carpe diem is something to meditate upon but with a final chapter just ahead it would surely become an ethic for us people who have something left to do to live by without hesitation.
The end kind of turns me on...ain't it strange? Better go outside now and play.
That was fairly morbid. I'll bet you the best pizza bagel ever that it doesn't happen!
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