This could all possibly go in the 'keeping it weird' files but I don't know.
I was traveling home from the gym on the east side yesterday and made it to the train trestle (a la Lost Boys fame and fortune.) At the top of the hill I noticed commotion on the trestle and also in the water. A guy was fishing his friend out of the San Lorenzo! Made it down to the foot bridge, right over the emerging scene, and the guy being fished out is clearly in trauma...he fell off the bridge. At the riverbank two boardwalk police were waiting for the man to pull his buddy ashore (it seems they probably could have helped but they surely would have got their boots wet.)
As I listened I gathered that the guy, Dave, was indeed wasted on at least a 12 pack and did indeed fall from the train tracks (he didn't jump.) Dave was unconscious but I could hear him breathing. He had significant head injuries and abrasions everywhere. I stayed for several minutes until the paramedics and police arrived. As I left the whole surreal scene I pondered the whole fragility of life.
Didn't hear a word about it on the news last night so the first thing I did when I got to work was check the papers (online.) It was difficult to find but I came across a short paragraph that basically stated that they didn't know much about what had happened but the guy was airlifted out shortly after I had left.
The comments on the article were more revealing. Apparently this is the third drunk guy who has fallen off the trestle this calendar year. One reader went as far to say that the trestle is a, "black hole for drunks. The city needs to setup a DUI checkpoint at both sides."
Maybe I suppose.
So I post a picture of a chihuahua with a toupee in relation to this story because it was much easier to find news about the 19 year old drunken idiot who threw a Chihuahua named Lola down a 75ft. ravine this weekend on the other side of town. The story is everywhere and the masses want to throw this guy down the ravine too.
I realize most americans like their dogs much more than they like other people and the way these bizarre incidents were reported support my theory. Dogs rule and people are just drunken idiots! I say a prayer of hope for 'Dave' anyway.