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Location: U.S. Outlying Islands

I am a goat-fish.

August 15, 2007


Blogger el Craplastico said...

At nefa.com other disc golf nerds and I have been contemplating what disc golf merit badge might look like if scouting recognized it as one.

Okay some badge objectives I've thought of:

-Display competency in three styles of disc throwing

-Play four courses

-disc golf terminology: explain what is meant by terms such as hyzer and anhyzer

-Build a discgolf target (see ideas I've collected at chaaaching.blogspot.com)

-organize a service project that benefits a local course

-interview a professional player and write a report about what you've learned

-make 5 putts from 15ft, 20ft, 30ft, and 40ft

-introduce the sport to someone who hasn't played it before

-In no less than 500 words descirbe what disc golfers can do to show good environmental stewardship while enjoying the sport.

-Describe the characteristics of a disc and how disc design can affect a disc's flight

-Build a model of your "ultimate" course

-Create a gadget that would be useful to a disc golfer

Found the patch on ebay of course!

12:59:00 PM  

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