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May 29, 2007

Cheeseroll aftermath

Pub landlord Craig Brown needed hospital treatment after somersaulting down Cooper's Hill while chasing a double gloucester cheese.

Mr Brown had previously won a race in the event which is believed to have first been held in Roman times.

But after BBC's Midlands Today programme showed him a video of his fall, he decided that he'd chased his last cheese.

He said: "It started off good and we won the first race which I was delighted about.

"But the ground was really hard and was going very fast - the fastest I've seen it.

"In the second race I was taken out by another member which I'm not happy about."

Paramedics took Mr Brown to hospital where he needed 20 stitches in a head wound.

He also injured his leg and received a black eye from the fall.

Despite the evidence that Mr Brown's fall was caused deliberately, all is deemed fair in cheese rolling.

Simon Beetson, who was a catcher at the event, said: "It wasn't an accident but there's no rules so what can you do?"

There have been attempts to ban cheese rolling because of the number of injuries caused each year.



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