the travails (and tall tales) of el Craplastico
July 24, 2006
July 18, 2006
July 14, 2006
Free Wayne Milton!

"During his 17 months’ federal incarceration in Atlanta, Wayne Milton sneaked out nights at least 50 times in order to continue the high-stakes mortgage-fraud business that had landed him in jail in the first place. In May, he received a fresh, 20-year sentence for having bribed the prison guards who allowed his freedom. The smooth-talking Milton (who deftly quoted the Bible, preying on small-town preachers in the South) is such a relentless promoter that within days of his re-incarceration, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitutional report, he was secretly recorded on a prison phone lining up another mortgage loan."
What could possibly be more American than this?
July 11, 2006
It Was My Vacation and I Couldn't Help Myself

Of course I gorged myself with cable television when I should have been enjoying life in more fulfilling ways. Highlight: The Deadliest Catch marathon.....that's right.....six pure hours of madmen chasing 700 pound pots of Alaskan King Crab through 40ft swells during the frigid Alaskan winter. It is simultaneously an epic high and low in reality television history and I wonder how much crazier the fad can get.

Last trip I went crazy on Dog the Bounty Hunter. If you haven't caught this scarry, washed-out mullet wearing, mace weilding WWF wannabe and his zany family tracking down Hawaiian fugitives you've surely missed a piece of Americana I would surely save in the time capsule. The best thing about Dog is that after apprehending his prey he will befriend them, get them to show him pictures of their children and babies (while hand-cuffed), give them the lecture about cleaning up their lives, and then cry with them all the way to the jailhouse.
Now that's reality!