The actress who gave us Chrissy Snow has authored her 17th book entitled, "Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It." I haven't read her book(s) but I saw an interview where she described and defended her ideas. Suzanne promotes chemo-free options and her viewpoints are eliciting controversy throughout the medical/scientific community...and a $200 billion dollar industry is being challenged. This is one to watch!

For the first time ever I applaud the Drug Enforcement Administration! Good call yo!!. It was announced this week that the feds will no longer go after medical marijuana dispensaries, growers or patients. It was noted that drug enforcement agents have, "better things to do with their time." I agree!
Fight TV Addiction!!

I saw a disturbing commercial I hadn't seen in quite awhile. It's for a toilet paper of the 'ultra soft' variety and these bears are playing football with one another. Big bear goes to take the snap from junior and can't help but notice all the bits of TP stuck to junior's ass. This commercial is reminiscent of the toenail fungus med ad I pontificated upon back in time. I'm terribly bothered by both commercials and I wish I never saw them.

I just don't know what to say about Falcon, The Balloon Boy other than that his father did get his wish...and also that this will be hilarious 'end of the decade' shit to laugh at come the end of the decade...or err ummmm.