Stop the Insanity!
It's time for lunatics to stop strapping lawn chairs to helium balloons!

The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli set off from the Brazilian port city of Paranagua on April 20 strapped to 1,000 helium-filled balloons in an attempt to raise money to build a rest stop and worship center for truckers.
But the 41-year-old Roman Catholic priest soon lost contact with his ground team, and the cluster of yellow, orange, pink and white balloons was found in the Atlantic Ocean a day later.

Look, I'm for all for wacky stunts like this and even cheap air transit and of course raising money for worthy charities....BUT THIS SHIT HAS GOT TO STOP PRONTO!! THIS IS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE IDEA!
....a rest stop and worship center for truckers? wow.

The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli set off from the Brazilian port city of Paranagua on April 20 strapped to 1,000 helium-filled balloons in an attempt to raise money to build a rest stop and worship center for truckers.
But the 41-year-old Roman Catholic priest soon lost contact with his ground team, and the cluster of yellow, orange, pink and white balloons was found in the Atlantic Ocean a day later.

Look, I'm for all for wacky stunts like this and even cheap air transit and of course raising money for worthy charities....BUT THIS SHIT HAS GOT TO STOP PRONTO!! THIS IS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE IDEA!
....a rest stop and worship center for truckers? wow.