the travails (and tall tales) of el Craplastico
February 24, 2007

This one might be hard to find but if you can, rent it! The most intelligent take on stupid behavior I have come across.
Good quote from environmentalist, David Suzuki about mass stupidity:
"We're in a giant car, heading at a brick wall a 100 miles per hour and everybody is arguing about where they want to sit."
February 15, 2007
February 11, 2007
Don't do it!

"Scientists in Russia’s Omsk region rushed to discover what had caused a foul-smelling yellow snow to blanket 580 square miles near the Siberian border with Kazakhstan.
Residents were initially warned not to come in contact with the colorful frozen precipitation. But officials later said a chemical analysis showed the snow contained only yellow and orange dust, which was whipped up by a massive windstorm that moved from the Black Sea into Kazakhstan just before the smelly snow arrived. Lyudmila Vorodina, director of the West Siberian Meteorology Center, speculated the snow could have acquired its color from mud around the depleted Aral Sea."
February 10, 2007
Goodbye Vicki Lynn

I can't help but dwell within the realm of conspiracy.
When "news" like this clogs the arteries of the International wire I just freak out. I think to myself, the US must have done something superevil in the world today and the man doesn't want us to have any knowledge of it. Anyone check the BBC lately?
Supposedly Hef owns the plot next to Marilyn.

....admit it! You knew this was gonna happen! This "bomb" is currently selling for $760 on ebay with a day to go. You know, the silliest thing I've heard about this story, since it broke, is that these "ads" were hanging up in dozens of cities for something like two weeks before the Boston Police freaked out and ran up a $2 million dollar, code red, armageddon-like bar tab. Well don't pass up this opportunity to own a piece of modern day, LED doomsday art......either that or just wait for the $20 knock-off's imported from Taiwan, destined to be sold at Hot Topic and/or Spencer's. I'll wait for the yard sale 15 years from now.