
Preparing for J.D.'s baptism and I was challenged to come up with an appropriate gift. My father suggested the front page of the paper from the day of his birth sealed away from the oxygen or a coin or something.
I liked those suggestions. I started looking for a coin that had meaning to it. Something more than a coin. A symbol. I found it quickly.
My 2nd god child will soon receive a silver Eagle once burried beneath the tears and rubble of the World Trade Center. Apparently a limited number of coins were unearthed not too long after that fateful day in 2001 when we ate our hearts for breakfast. I decided my god son should have one of those coins and today Afternoon Judy wondered with disgust why I would choose to buy something like this to commemorate a religious rite of passage. Great question.
First of all I don't consider myself a religious person and I think J.D.'s parents know this. I do consider myslf to be a spiritual being and I'm overjoyed to share my spirituality with those who seek to know it.
I'm hoping the Dubro's asked me to be J.D.'s godfather with this in mind cuz if I am supposed to help the child become a good Catholic we are all in big trouble. I do take the responsibility of leading the child with spiritual guidance seriously.
Anyhow....I'm still crying about 9/11 and everything it represents to me and all that came after it. I didn't lose anyone (I knew) that day although I could have. Together we lost everyone that day who perished in NYC, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon and that was one tragic event on the beaded necklace of tragedy and why it stands out so strongly I don't does and for that I offer more reflection to my god child and anyone else who might care.
So J.D.......I want you to know that I love you and I'm so thankful you are on this earth with us. I look forward to your life. I hope so much that I will be here for you for a time that is too long for both of us to remember because then we will have both lived long, fulfilled lives. I give you this burried treasure to commemorate an important spriritual milestone in your life and I give it to you for some reasons.....the shallowest of all being that this is something that can be redeemed for cash value anytime along your way. You may need this sort of security at some time and it's okay with me for you to act in a time of need.
I want you to know that this ordinary coin has some important symbolic value to me. I hope throughout your life you can find symbols that bring meaning to your life. Don't get lost in the symbols though and appreciate what they are and let them guide you when you seek guidance but don't get stuck on them. They are just things and we shouldn't let things tell us who we are.
To me this silver eagle is a strange symbol of hope. Strange in that it represents all the order of the world. It is the currency that regulates or meters our time here. Some would say the events of that fateful day unfolded because of the greed this vicious symbol can yield. Lots of us do get lost in symbols and we wind up fighting and hurting so we can try to have lots and lots and lots of it. The world is sick on money and this is especially so where we live. I hope you don't get sick with your concern about wealth but if you do please study the clouds and branches and rivers....they will always carry you home no matter how lost you get!
So I say a symbol of hope because this coin survived intact, with it's gem-like constitution, on a day when it was rained upon with fire, concrete and bone and blood. It was burried in a vault that was underneath the cruel human pain of that moment in time. So much fell down and apart on September 11, 2001 but for some reason or another this silly coin rose to the surface as shiny as the day it left the mint.
Son, there will days of your life filled with joy and hapiness....and others filled with horror and pain. On the terrible days don't forget to look for something shiny....something that lifts you up and keeps you safe. Dan Bern once sang, "Don't let your heart get broken by this the bottom of the ocean you might find a pearl...don't let your heart get broken by this world." Follow this good advice so that it might keep you safe. I love you very much.